Having your
child baptised – Kiltoghert Parish
We as a Parish Community rejoice with you on the
birth of your child and now we gladly welcome your
child into the Christian Community. We offer the following
guidelines to support you in your decision to have
your child baptised in this parish.
As parents you will be the first teachers of your
child in the ways of the faith. This is a great privilege
but also a significant responsibility. Our Baptismal
preparation programme will be of support to you in
your decision.
- A minimum of four weeks notice to be given
- All requests for baptism are made to the parish
office @ 071-9620118
- The date of baptism can then be confirmed on receipt
of completed application
- Our celebration of Baptism takes place in particular
churches on set Sundays at 1.30pm. They are :
St Patrick’s, Gowel
– 1st Sunday of the Month.
St Mary’s, Carrick –
2nd Sunday of the Month.
St Joseph’s, Leitrim –
3rd Sunday of the Month.
Sacred Heart, Jamestown – 4th
Sunday of the Month.
- One of our Baptismal team will visit your home
prior to the child’s baptism, at a time of your
- A course of preparation which is specifically for
those having their first child baptised, will take
place prior to the baptism.